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2022 Long-Term Reliability Assessment Webinar

Thursday, January 26, 2023 -

Midwest Reliability Organization’s (MRO) Reliability Advisory Council is pleased to announce it will host a webinar on the 2022 Long-Term Reliability Assessment. The purpose of this webinar is to provide information to registered entities and stakeholders that are involved in resource and transmission planning and operation of the bulk power system in MRO’s region. The webinar will include presentations from each of the four MRO Planning Coordinators: Manitoba Hydro, MISO, Saskatchewan Power Corporation, and Southwest Power Pool. Each Planning Coordinator will summarize resource and transmission adequacy to meet 10-year projections (2022-2032), as well as demand growth, changing resource mix, and reliability issues expected to impact the bulk power system over the next decade.

Additional Details

Rebecca Schneider

Event Documents

MRO 2025 Regional Risk Assessment

MRO publishes a Regional Risk Assessment (RRA or assessment) each year to identify and prioritize risks to the reliable and secure operations of the regional bulk power system.