GridEx VIII Preparation Webinar: An Overview of GridEx VIII
Preparing for the Largest Grid Security Exercise in North America
MRO’s Security Advisory Council invites you to the first in a two-part webinar series designed to prepare industry professionals for GridEx VIII, the premier grid security exercise in North America.
This session will feature insights from Jesse Sythe, E-ISAC’s GridEx Program Manager, and Ashley Wemhoff, NPPD’s Business Continuity & Drill Coordinator. They will provide a comprehensive overview of the exercise, including key program enhancements and an early preview of scenario themes. Whether you’re new to GridEx or a seasoned participant, this webinar will equip you with valuable insights into the evolution of this critical exercise.
- Jesse Sythe, E-ISAC’s GridEx Program Manager
- Ashley Wemhoff, NPPD’s Business Continuity & Drill Coordinator
Topics Covered:
- An overview of GridEx VIII and its evolution
- Key enhancements and early scenario themes
- Preparing your organization for distributed play
- Q&A session
This session is open to all interested industry professionals.
For more information about GridEx VIII, visit the E-ISAC GridEx page.