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MRO and SERC to Host Joint Webinar Maintaining Cyber Resiliency Through Simulation-Based Scenarios and Exercises Specific to the Energy Sector

Thursday, June 17, 2021 -

Midwest Reliability Organization and SERC Reliability Corporation are pleased to announce it hosted a joint webinar on Maintaining Cyber Resiliency Through Simulation-Based Scenarios and Exercises Specific to the Energy Sector. This webinar highlighted the importance of cyber exercises in maintaining resiliency of the bulk power system, and provided information on how to effectively plan and implement such exercises. There were discussions on the Distributed Environment for Critical Infrastructure Decision-Making Exercises (DECIDE) Platform and Norwich University Applied Research Institute (NUARI) Federal contracts, as well as an example from the Jack Voltaic 3.0 exercise, which is a national level exercise involving multiple critical infrastructure sectors. This webinar is intended for all security professionals, subject matter experts, and power system engineers from entities operating in the MRO or SERC footprints.Click here to view the webinar recording.

Additional Details

For questions about this event contact:

Estee Kolles

Event Documents

MRO 2025 Regional Risk Assessment

MRO publishes a Regional Risk Assessment (RRA or assessment) each year to identify and prioritize risks to the reliable and secure operations of the regional bulk power system.