Saint Paul, Minn. As part of Midwest Reliability Organization’s annual winter assessment, staff engineers found that extreme cold weather combined with forced generation outages could result in insufficient electricity to meet above-normal peak demand in parts of the region. Potential fuel supply issues also remain a risk during extreme cold temperatures. To mitigate the risk of energy shortfalls, the electric power industry must monitor fuel supply availability during extreme cold weather and ensure power plants are properly winterized.
MRO’s 2024 Regional Winter Assessment (2024 RWA) provides key stakeholders with insights into possible reliability challenges for the upcoming winter season (December through February), along with recommended actions to mitigate reliability risks. The report also identifies bulk power system performance trends specific to the region to help inform long-term system planning.
A webinar to review the 2024 RWA findings and recommendations is planned for December 12, 2024, from 10 to 11 a.m. Central Time.
Read more in the MRO 2024 Regional Winter Assessment │ Infographic