MRO’s Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program Advisory Council (CMEPAC) works to increase outreach and awareness in the key areas of NERC Reliability Standards, risk assessment, compliance monitoring, and enforcement of applicable Reliability Standards.
In 2019, the CMEPAC established a recurring monthly call open to all MRO members as a new outreach activity to encourage open dialogue. Those calls followed a standard agenda that included a topical presentation or discussion plus general information regarding the CMEPAC, new or revisions to Reliability Standards, and upcoming outreach activities and opportunities. The calls have been closed to MRO staff, with the exception of Webex technical support, to provide a forum of open discussion and sharing among MRO members.
Recent discussions between MRO staff and the CMEPAC have resulted in proposed changes to the structure of these calls. The changes align with similar outreach activities of other councils, including the Security Advisory Council Threat Forum (SACTF), which meets weekly by Webex. Specific changes include:
- The activity will transition from a pilot program to one that is annually approved by the board’s Organizational Group Oversight Committee (OGOC) through the CMEPAC Work Plan.
- The call will be hosted by the CMEPAC for restricted audience (i.e., MRO members) and not be considered a meeting of the CMEPAC.
- While the audience of the hosted calls are restricted to MRO members, the MRO CMEP Directors (Jeff Norman, Director of Compliance Monitoring; Bill Steiner, Director of Risk Assessment and Mitigation; and Tasha Ward, Director of Enforcement and External Affairs) will start observing the forum in addition to any MRO staff needed to facilitate the call.
- The CMEPAC will develop forum guidelines similar to the MRO Security Advisory Council Threat Forum (SACTF) Threat Call Guidelines that are subject to approval by the OGOC on an annual basis.
These changes were discussed during the April monthly call and are now effective. To join the call, please contact [email protected].
– Trevor Stiles, Director, Customer Engagement & Associate General Counsel, from American Transmission Co.