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Reliability Advisory Council

Home / Organizational Groups / Reliability Advisory Council

MRO’s Reliability Advisory Council (RAC) provides advice and counsel to MRO’s Board of Directors, staff, members and registered entities on topics like transmission adequacy and availability, resource adequacy, integration of renewables, essential reliability services, event analysis, system protection, and reliability assessments. The RAC increases outreach and awareness in these key areas.

RAC Meetings

A list of past and future RAC meetings, along with relevant meeting materials, is on the Events Page.

RAC Outreach

Webinars and Training Events

To view recordings from past reliability-related webinars, conferences, and training events, please visit the Events Page.

Articles and Announcements

To view articles and announcements published by the RAC, visit the News Page.

Guidance Documents

To view guidance documents published by the RAC, visit the Library Page.

The Reliability Advisory Council oversees the following subgroup:

Reliability Advisory Council Roster

NameRoleCompanyTerm End
Binod ShresthaMemberSaskatchewan Power Corporation12/31/2025
Brian GiggeeMemberMontana-Dakota Utilities Co.12/31/2025
Bryn WilsonChairOklahoma Gas and Electric12/31/2026
C.J. BrownMemberSouthwest Power Pool12/31/2027
Eric BarryMemberXcel Energy12/31/2026
Evan WilcoxMemberAmerican Electric Power12/31/2026
Gabe KainzMemberOtter Tail Power Company12/31/2027
Gayle NanselMemberWestern Area Power Administration12/31/2025
Jeremy SeversonMemberBasin Electric Power Cooperative12/31/2027
John HarmonVice ChairMISO12/31/2026
Mark EastwoodMemberCity Utilities of Springfield, Missouri12/31/2026
Mark PetersonMemberGreat River Energy12/31/2027
Nandaka JayasekaraMemberManitoba Hydro12/31/2025
Natasha BrownMemberOklahoma Municipal Power Authority12/31/2027

Upcoming Events

MRO Reliability, Security, and CMEP Summit: Navigating the Evolving Power Grid

Event Details Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO) is excited to host the 2025 Reliability, Security, and CMEP Summit, bringing together industry experts, leaders, and stakeholders for a dynamic two-day event. This…

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