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Self-Logging Program

Home / Program Areas / Compliance Monitoring & Enforcement / Self-Logging Programs Participation

The ERO Enterprise Self-Logging Program allows registered entities to record instances of noncompliance with reliability standards that pose a minimal risk to reliability or security of the bulk power system. All registered entity applicants that meet the eligibility criteria described in MRO’s Self-Logging Program Eligibility Determination Process may be eligible for self-logging. MRO may request additional information from the registered entity regarding its processes for identifying, assessing, and correcting issues of noncompliance and risks to reliability or security.

After performing a formal evaluation of a registered entity’s request for participation in self-logging, MRO will provide a response outlining the basis for its determination to grant or deny self-logging. Self-logging may be limited to certain categories of standards or identified standard requirements. 

Upon approval by MRO, a registered entity can maintain a log of self-identified, minimal risk issues of noncompliance and submit the log to MRO on a periodic basis (initially every three months). Self-logged minimal risk issues of noncompliance are presumed to be resolved as compliance exceptions. MRO will continue to work with the registered entity to ensure a proper understanding of the program and the expectations surrounding accuracy in describing noncompliance, assessing risk, and the adequacy of mitigating activities.

Need more information?

For more information or to request participation in the Self-Logging Program, registered entities should contact

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