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Supply Chain Compromise

Risk Overview

Malicious manipulation of a vendor’s products including hardware, software, services, or delivery could impact multiple utilities and disrupt grid operations. The limited number of industrial control system vendors that are used to protect and control the bulk power system creates a broad threat to grid reliability. Understanding the inherent risk of using third-party products, utilities should require vendors to improve their respective controls and operating environments. This includes vetting vendors for foreign connections with known hostile nations.

Key Drivers and Trends

Actions to Reduce Risk

Related Resources

The following NERC guidelines provide valuable information on different approaches for both entity and vendor risk management, the risks of using open-source software, and security measures for shipped equipment:

Defending Against Software Supply Chain Attacks by CISA and NIST explains how cybercriminals can infiltrate software vendors’ networks and insert malicious code into software before it reaches customers. The report provides recommendations for both software vendors and customers on how to identify, assess, and mitigate these risks using publically available frameworks.

Related Documents

MRO 2025 Regional Risk Assessment

MRO publishes a Regional Risk Assessment (RRA or assessment) each year to identify and prioritize risks to the reliable and secure operations of the regional bulk power system.

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